Dubstep legend Datsik announced he’ll be on a monster fall tour hitting 40+ cities all across the country. Joining him on this tour, dubbed the Firepower Tour, will be TERRAVITA, XKore, Bare Noize, Delta Heavy, A F K, and last but not least, DJ Getter. Datsik recently played EDC and is about to head across the pond for a European tour.
We’ve got an awesome video Datsik’s team put together at EDC and I’ve got some pretty stellar photos from Datsik and Steve Aoki’s stop in Denver at the Fillmore in January on their Deadmeat tour. Datsik is currently signed to Steve Aoki’s Dim Mak Records.
Photos from Datsik and Steve Aoki’s show in Denver at the Fillmore Auditorium 1/26/12