Following today’s two big reveals that Primavera Sound will be expanding into Los Angeles next year and that they’re Barcelona and Porto festivals will have the pleasure of hosting the only two Pavement performances during 2020, I’d say the crew at Primavera Sound may be holding this final announcement back until things die down a bit.
When they teased two new locations for their flagship festival the other day on their website, it didn’t take too long for fans to sleuth and figure out that this means Primavera Sound London or Primavera Sound UK is something soon, probably before the LA festival next year.
One of the graphics turned out to be a Hollywood hills thing, which got confirmed today when festival goers arrived at the site in Barcelona, and there’s no doubt that this blurry piece left on their website points to the London Eye.
Talk about a good day for the team. Until it’s confirmed consider this post a rumor, but we’re pretty damn sure this is happening.
UPDATE: The festival is now expected to take place in 2021. Organizers for Primavera Sound have backed out of plans to host its first-ever festival in London in 2020, Billboard has confirmed.