Marco Benevento and Joe Russo played the Highline Ballroom in New York City this past Friday night, this being the only show on the calendar for the Benevento/Russo Duo. Our good friend Whitperson was there to catch the action, and he shot a couple videos from the show that are attached below along with some from Paul Langedoc’s YouTube channel. Sweet…
Also, has a photo gallery from the show. Dino Perrucci was there and shot photos also.
The band announced they would be working on a new record sometime later this year. From nyctaper..
despite the Duo’s divergent career paths over the last two years, Marco took time out to give the crowd good news — The Duo are still a team and intend to record new music this year.
Finally, you can download the show from the Archive already. They’ve got a 24-bit version, too.
[if-cf-def “embeds”]Videos: [cf “embeds” separator=”, “]