Happy Monday, folks. I’m catching up on some news from the weekend and scouring YouTube for any heady jams that have been finding themselves in the Trey Anastasio Band sets as of late. The band played The Fillmore in Charlotte, NC on Friday night and we’ll have photos up a little bit later from the show the following night in Charlottesville, but in the meantime let’s take a look at how the weekend got started for the lucky fans in attendance.
First up is a video: I forget how good “Gotta Jibboo” can sound with a full set of horns…
Read on for the setlist.
Trey Anastasio Band @ The Fillmore, Charlotte, NC 10/14/11
Set 1: Cayman Review, Gotta Jibboo, O-o-h Child, Burn That Bridge, Sweet Dreams Melinda, Money, Love and Change, Burlap Sack and Pumps, Pigtail, A Case of Ice and Snow, Push On ‘Til the Day, Black Dog
Set 2: Simple Twist Up Dave, Happy Birthday to You*, Shine, Sand, Let Me Lie, Valentine, Plasma, Magilla, Heavy Things, Liquid Time, Alaska, Mr. Completely, First Tube
Encore: Show of Life, Hey Ya!, Sultans of Swing
* For a fan, Allison.
[via Phish.net]