That Thom Yorke…always having a bit of a laugh with his audience when he has the chance.
While yesterday’s news was that this mysterious white vinyl posted on his Tumblr has yet to be revealed as anything worth writing about (yet), today Thom has been posting updates on his account showing old art and lyrics that he’s been scrounging through while he’s at the Radiohead studio.
Stanley & me going thru15years of discarded words & pictures..!while overdubs happen in Radiohead studio.2nd day only
— Thom Yorke (@thomyorke) September 23, 2014
— Thom Yorke (@thomyorke) September 23, 2014
This one was my personal favorite:
— Thom Yorke (@thomyorke) September 23, 2014
A nostalgic Thom Yorke is a fun one to follow along with; head over to his Twitter page for more to come.