Radiohead just finished their headlining set to close the first night of Coachella, which sadly was plagued with a ton of sound issues early on. Thankfully the PA issues got corrected in time to let the band complete a full set, and it did feel oddly similar to the issues the band experienced the first time they played Outside Lands Music Festival in San Francisco back in 2008 (I just happened to be there so it’s fresh in my memory). At two separate times that night the band’s sound completely cut out of the PA, which is pretty much the exact same thing that happened tonight at Coachella. The band left the twice multiple times and returned to continue on after a brief pause, so all in all nobody can be all that upset about it. But it was a thing, enough that even Thom Yorke had to mention it from the stage.
They more than made up for it in the end, with fan favorites like “The National Anthem”, “Everything In Its Right Place”, and “There There” all making appearances well before they ended the main part of the set with their breakthrough hit “Creep”. For the encore, the band played an emotionally striking set starting with “You and Whose Army” and “No Surprises” before bringing out their always-welcome “Paranoid Android”. To finish off the night, the band triumphed their way through “Bodysnatchers” and closed with “Karma Police”, with the crowd singing along with the refrain audible even as the band left the stage.
SETLIST: Radiohead @ Coachella 2017
Friday, April 14, 2017
Main Set
Desert Island Disk
Ful Stop
15 Step*
The National Anthem
Let Down*
Street Spirit
Everything In Its Right Place
There There
Arpeggi/Weird Fishes
Burn The Witch
You and Whose Army
No Surprises
Paranoid Android
Karma Police
All we need
— Coachella (@coachella) April 15, 2017