We like spreading rumors. Rumors are good, because sometimes they become fact, and those times when they do come true, you look wicked smaht. So here’s to the rumor…as The Band once said:
Now when the rumor comes to your town,
It grows and grows, where it started no one knows.
From a PT poster: “As quickly as info gets out these days, this may be known already…but one of our distributors just announced a ‘Phish – Brooklyn DVD’ scheduled for release on Oct 25. It’s a $30 list price, so I can only assume it will be 2 DVDs, maybe both shows or maybe a mix of both? Either way, that’s sweet…”
Take it for what it’s worth, a PT rumor. But that would be pretty sweet to see one or both of those shows on disc, instead of in the pouring rain (for night one at least). I had major prune hands after that first show.