The Mars Volta is this week’s musical guest on The Henry Rollins Show. They play their 12 minute song, “Day of the Baphomets,” completely uncut and unabridged. They’ve also posted an exclusive clip for the web — the band plays, “Tetragrammaton,” yet another one of their 10-plus minute opuses.
When I first got my copy of their Amputecture album, I immediately passed it around the office and ended up making plenty of my fellow colleagues scratch their heads and wondering what the hell they were listening to. I imagine a few of them had to change their underwear, also — The Mars Volta is at the forefront of a brand-new musical genre I will now affectionately refer to as “Bowel Releasing Rock.” And really, who would really want their rock to do anything less?
Just for fun — any other bands out there right now that you would include in that BRR category? Drop some thoughts in the comments and make sure you TiVo the new Henry Rollins Show episode airing April 27. This episode is a must-see.