I’m still without a full voice a full day and a half after my return from my first year at the High Sierra Music Festival, a wonderfully intimate festival with an unbelievably great crowd and great set of musicians hanging out all weekend. The music was fantastic but arguably part of the background for most of my experience. I got to chill with a pretty solid crew of peeps that I now consider my best friends in the word. Four days in the music festival teaches you to band together, like brothers. Although not literally band together, except for the impromptu camp jam sessions that kept coming from the talented folks I was crashed with. I digress.
I hope to post some killer stuff from the festival once I filter through all of it, but this video caught my eye and I figured it to be perfect to get the coverage started. I saw no Banana Man this weekend, but this dude ran into Robot Guy and took some funny video of him grooving hard during Galactic.