I guess I can’t really find a whole lot of bloggers that might have gone to the Bruce Springsteen show last Thursday night; there just really isn’t a whole lot being said around the universe, except on this blog about the Madison show.
All I really want to say (and I think I’ve already said it) is that this show was hugely impressive for me as the first time I’ve ever seen Bruce Springsteen. I ended up getting this ticket for FREE, and that makes it all that much better. Bruce alternated between many instruments, including an old-fashioned pump organ, ukelele, and (of course) acoustic guitar. You could tell he had some backup going on offstage, which actually led to an interesting question. Is it still acoustic if he’s got the voicebox effect going over some of his strummier tunes or if he’s being backed up by a session musician offstage?
There were some mixed reviews among my coworkers in attendance, but that’s what it’s all about. This concert was a very different thing to me than it was to anyone that is familiar with Bruce’s work, or anyone that was expecting intimate and personal (which the United Center and this tour absolutely failed to produce), or anyone that was expecting The E Street Band, or anyone that was bring their ten-year old son to his first concert, etc. It was a great show for me and I’m sticking to that.
Previously: The Boss in my Hoss (before), I’m Speechless (after)