The show started off with the hypnotic styling of Daughters and the crowds attention never wavered from there. The husband and wife duo known as Tennis took the stage next. They seemed to bring in a crowd equal to that of white rabbit, or at least a equally enthusiastic crowd. Alaina Moore voice was quite yet commanding, she mainly stayed behind he old school keyboard swaying side to side wile she belted out the tunes from their new album Young & Old. With the moments where she decided to sneak her way up away from her keyboard were swell. She danced in an Elaine Benes sorta way, where it started off awkward and moved to be delightful.
White Rabbits took to the stage shortly after, and they instantly won me over when their two drummer attack to begin the beat for “Heavy Metal”. Their harmonies and instrumental versatilaty was incredible. The band was also celebrating their albums official release Milk Famous had dropped that day.