Disclaimer: It’s taken me quite a long time to get this site to where it should have been at day one. I’m learning as I go along, and hopefully, the learning will start to become quicker. Thank you to everyone that visits this site. I couldn’t have any motivation to do this unless I thought that I was writing for others with my like mind. I dig music, and I hope you do, too.
I’ve been working on cosmetic changes for awhile, but I’m finally locked and loaded on quite a few things. First of all, I used to include all the posts on Heady Links into the main content of the Live Music Blog. I think this might have been confusing. Even though no one told me, I could see that it was a mix of content that should not necessarily be mixed. Also, I finalized the look of the templates. Please browse my categories on the sidebar. Please see what categories a particular post is filed under. These things have been evident before, but they are much more uniform now.
The CSS stylesheets are all cleaned up. The font that used to make you barf? Well you had you chance to tell me to keep it or pitch it. Now, you’ll have to tell me twice…
All in all, I’m happy with the layout and look of the site. Now, finally now, I can really focus on the content that I want to provide. Please expect only updates to the amount of content I’m providing and not the size of the margins. I’m happy that I’m starting to get more visitors, and I hope to keep growing with all of your help…
And in honor of me spending ten hours on the blog this weekend instead of packing, I think it’s time to get my grill on…