The Indy Star profiles Glenn Kotche’s show tonight (opening for Umphrey’s McGee) and his new album, Mobile.
I am only three and half hours from this. Maybe I should go?
brooklynvegan has some great shots up from the Wolfmother show this past Monday night in New York City.
Damn you vegan and your great photos.
The Sex Pistols drop some serious word bombs on their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Here’s a link to their handwritten note posted on their website.
“We’re not coming.” “rock and roll and that hall of fame is a piss stain…”
Phish & Chips celebrates their 101th Post with a full plate full of mp3’s.
Rolling Stone on the 2006 Jammys.
bready puts up his Top 5 Toots & the Maytals tracks for download on T.J.I.F.
54-46, that’s my number, that’s my number now!
Justin at An Aquarium Drunkard has started his own record label with the first release coming from Daniel Hutchins, who incidently was just nominated as one of the Top 100 Singer/Songwriters by Paste Magazine.
Good luck with the records, Justin. If you’re ever interested, you’ve got another Justin here that’d love to get involved and help out in any way possible.
Tell me again why I don’t watch American Idol?
Surprisingly, I actually meant to start including some American Idol content on this blog. It is live music, right? /me cowers behind keyboard in huge Live Music Blog backlash…
It’s SXSW, Baby! offers online calendaring for the SXSW Festival. The anticipation for this monster event is just stunning and I only hope that I make it down there for this in a couple years.
Hope everyone’s having a good weekend. Feel free to share some links or discussions in the comments. I’ll make it an open thread. Did you see a show last night? Anything good going on tonight?