Tomorrow marks the release a major reissue box set called George Harrison: The Apple Years 1968-75, the once-Beatle-but-so-much-more-than-that character’s first six solo albums completely done up and remastered and ready for praise. In celebration of this release, Conan O’Brien announced last week that he’d be featuring musical guests all this week that play some songs from Harrison’s catalog — aptly titled George Harrison Week — and not just the usual set of artists that may be making their way through LA doing the usual late night rounds.
For example, tonight’s episode featured Beck playing “Wah-Wah” which came off Harrison’s third release, All Things Must Pass. Watch the video below for the performance. Later this week we’ll see songs by Norah Jones, Dhani Harrison and Paul Simon, which I’m equally excited for all around.
Hoping for a great week of covers, and after that we’re pretty sure the rest of the week won’t disappoint in the slightest.