Greetings LMB readers! Whit here…good to be back!
It’s going to take me a little more time to fully work my way back into the LMB fold, but I thought I’d better go ahead and drop my initial post so that I can get back into the swing of things. As I get warmed up, I’ll have to fill you in on a few of my thoughts and ideas on what I’ll hope to bring back to the table. But for now, I thought I’d offer a more timely post to let you all in on a side-project I have been working on lately during Live Music Blog’s downtime and get you setup with a legendary jam that happened ten years ago today.
For anybody familiar with my most recent contributions to the site’s podcast archive, you’ll already know that a while back I started up a funny little thing I called the Hippie Workout Mix. Though the name was silly, the basic principal was all business: splicing together high-energy concert recordings for a killer workout mix.
For a taste of what this is all about, you can check out any of the three archived podcasts I created (vol. 1, vol. 2, and vol. 3).
At some point after LMB shut down, I got impulsive and decided to buy some domains. One of those turned out to be, playing off of the workout mix theme. Though it’s totally a niche concept, I really liked the idea of building out a larger archive of my favorite live workout mixes, individual tracks, and song segments.
The site is still very much in its infancy, but I hope to keep adding more tracks in the weeks and months to come. Overall, I hope LMW will become a kind of sister site to the larger Live Music Blog enterprise. With that in mind I also hope to encourage all of you to contribute and to make suggestions for tracks and shows to post. While you can always email me, I also have a dropbox at Sound Cloud where you can upload your suggestions. If you’re going to contribute, all I ask is that the tracks are decent quality concert recordings that make you move your butt. If you want to do some creative editing or add some commentary, we’re all ears.
Today’s LMW Feature: The Original High Energy Tracks: 10 Year Anniv. of Disco Biscuits 4-9-99
Although I have already covered this Disco Biscuits show on LMB, I couldn’t resist doing a 10-year anniversary post on the new Live Music Workouts site to celebrate one of my favorite high energy song segments. It’s just too good to not re-post: