Phish played their second night in San Francisco at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium and delivered another set of “bust-outs” for tracks that haven’t been played yet during 2013. Seven tracks hadn’t been played yet this year and all of them were woven into the setlist perfectly. Some standout moments include the obvious throw-back “Alumni Blues > Letter to Jimmy Page > Alumni Blues” segment, the almost-never-played “Lengthwise -> Maze” and an absolutely ripping “Jesus Left Chicago”. “Rock and Roll” will be talked about and a really fun “Fluffhead > 2001 > Slave” segment ended the show. Top notch Phish front to back if you ask us. LMB crew had a blast.
Here’s some photos from Katie who was only able to make last night’s show:
Phish @ Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, San Francisco 8/3/13
Set I: Grind, Weigh > Alumni Blues > Letter to Jimmy Page > Alumni Blues, Lengthwise -> Maze, Sample in a Jar, NICU, Mound, Jesus Just Left Chicago, Driver, Timber (Jerry) > Axilla, Bug > Possum, First Tube
Set II: Rock and Roll > Steam > Backwards Down the Number Line > Mike’s Song > I Am Hydrogen > Weekapaug Groove, Joy, Fluffhead > Also Sprach Zarathustra > Slave to the Traffic Light
Encore: Waste, Suzy Greenberg
Setlist via
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