I’ll be honest, I had to look it up.
Sorry to the LMB fans that have been hanging with me for a while — the posting over the past two weeks has been a little lighter and little less timely than usual — but with good reason on both fronts…
No worries, though — I’m here to stay bitches!
We should have some Phish Friday coming up today and I’m excited for that (it’s Andy’s pick this week), so I thought I’d drop a small post on a few recent mentions LMB has gotten ’round the online media world in the meantime…
Over at Eye Weekly, Toronto’s alternative weekly newspaper, LMB got a mention in the music section of this/last week’s paper. I’m still waiting on the paper copy.
Bootleg networks became the channels by which independent music is distributed today, with shops like London’s Rough Trade giving all kinds of weirdness a place to flourish. But what happens to that culture when these sorts of meeting places start to disappear?
Judging from sites such as Live Music Blog, the genre barriers start breaking down. Jam bands and indie-rock, once traditional enemies, started rubbing shoulders in the late ’90s through high-speed university internet networks, introducing Dave Matthews fans to Sonic Youth. On LMB, those bands have grey-market live recordings posted alongside each other, with noticeable overlap. Last week’s announcements didn’t clearly belong to either camp, with news of Brian Wilson’s plans to perform Pet Sounds in concert, and the Sept. 30 webcast of this year’s Farm Aid, whose lineup includes Willie Nelson (pictured). The Berlin Wall of rock fandom has come down; after all these years, Phish and Wilco fans can once again bond over a friendly game of “which preppy private school did you go to?” (www.livemusicblog.com; www.farmaid.org)
A little further back, the site also got a mention in the Baltimore Sun (in reference to the then-upcoming Virgin Fest)…
With service charges, a ticket could cost more than $110. “As great as it sounds, it’s a rip-off,” said one person’s posting on Live Music Blog.
Way to go, Matthew Lipsit.
But perhaps the most interesting mention came in the form of a link from Pitchfork to both LMB and brooklynvegan in reference to Sufjan Stevens’ Majesty Snowbird tour and videos of him performing the song…
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Pitchfork notorious for not crediting their sources? I know they’ve made some changes since they went more bloggy but I was still under the impression that this was a rare occurance. Not to mention the fact that it wasn’t even my video that I took; I thought I credited the YouTube source directly but who knows…and who really cares for that matter. Pitchfork linked to LMB. Ipso facto, I am super cool.
Happy Friday, folks!