Hiatus Kaiyote is back, y’all! With a set of shows in both Los Angeles this weekend and New York last night, the band is finally healthy again after Nai Palm had her breast cancer health scare, and they sound better than ever on this new video just surfaced from a recent Like A Version session they did where they covered the Gorillaz song “Dare.”
Check it out below as well as the original version.
As for their end of 2019 ahead and 2020 and beyond, stay tuned on this link for their tour dates and tickets, and we’d expect a ton of US dates coming soon including festival appearances. They’ve got a few more shows on their calendar, but it’s relatively light right now and they’re probably gearing up for a full US assault. Maybe that’s why they snuck in a quick LA and NYC show now ahead of next year’s festival radius clauses kicking in. Either way, we’re happy to see them back on stage.
[original clip got removed]