Last month Flume dropped a picture of him with a bunch of goats and said “follow a bunch of these random goat accounts…”
Turns out it probably wasn’t random per se.
One of these goats named totesmgoats1 on Instagram just dropped GØAT TAPE V1 which sounds, well, very Flume-y to say the least.
First caught the story via Dancing Astronaut:
The day is here, and the cuddly farm animal yoga companion released its debut mixtape, GØAT TAPE V1— a five-track sonic journey that sounds a lot like the goat hired one of electronic music’s actual G.O.A.T.s to be his ghost producer. The new (presumably Flume) tracks are titled, “FEELING,” “NIGHTMARE,” “SHIFTING,” “SPACE,” and “THINGS,” all with unique arrangements with onomatopoeic names that run close to the sounds that comprise them.
Turns out after further, further investigation from the Your EDM team, oh wait, it wasn’t Flume at all. LOL. Boo.