Photos by Jimmy Grotting || Words by Justin Ward
After a full day at Jazz Fest on Saturday and catching Gravity A’s first set at Le Bon Temps Roule, we regrouped one last time at home and strolled our way over to Tipitina’s to catch The Greyboy Allstars doing their MJ Tribute late night. The show was sold-out and definitely packed outside when we showed up, and the energy inside this show was just absolutely crazy all night. If there’s anything that drunk people love, it’s dancing to Michael Jackson songs. So Greyboy did not disappoint at all. Also Big Sam stopped by and blasted some horns with Karl Denson and Eddie Roberts (from the New Mastersounds) also stopped by and shredded his way through some fast funk. The show was killer but it eventually had to end with “Thriller” and “Billie Jean.”
Strolling home around 5:30 am meant that the birds were already chirping and the sun had definitely risen by the time I found myself to my air mattress. First time in a while I had stayed up that late, actually…classic Jazz Fest moment, right?