“More disappointing, or rather – mind boggling, was what we’ll now refer to as “the beer situation”. If you have been to the pool, you know it’s rather large. Large enough for, say, 5 or more beer serving stations. There are, in reality, TWO beer serving stations. In order to get a beer, you need to first buy a ticket. We noticed only ONE ticket station, which was next to one of the beer stations, thus resulting in a single (very slow moving) giant line that wrapped around itself and a lot of people waiting over 40 minutes to procure a beverage.” [Gothamist]
40 minutes to get a beer? Ouch.
Jerry the Yeti writes, “When we saw them at MacCarren Pool on Saturday, the ability to get beer was hampered by having only two locations for 5,000 people. My sole experience of the Secret Machines is from that line.” Even more ouch!
Bready went and enjoyed himself but he must have brought his own…