For today’s Phish Friday, I thought I’d continue on with a few snippets from my own personal experiences with the band themselves…
Beginning early on during 2004, Phish fans found themselves driven to quite a ferenzi with the announcement that they’d be breaking up following their 2004 tour; with the band effectively ending their careers together at Coventry, Phish fans had to scramble to take in what was left of the band and what legacy they would have left to give…
My part of this experience was basically four shows during the tour — the two-night runs at both Deer Creek and Alpine Valley. I know Jesse Jarnow went to all four and was largely unimpressed (if my recollection of his show write-ups is correct). However, I still found plenty of good moments in there to bring back with me as memories and here’s one of them…
- Phish – Halley’s Comet >> (live, 6/23/04) [mp3]
- Phish – Crosseyed and Painless >> [mp3]
- Phish – Slave to the Traffic Light [mp3]
I remember this as the strongest part of the show in terms of crowd excitement. There’s nothing like being on the lawn at Deer Creek when a crowd explodes…nothing like it…