Particle just announced a massive tour across the country, and it got me thinking outloud…
I have a so-so semi-bored relationship with Particle’s music thus far — mostly because I thought it sounded weirdly butt metal in the wrong sort of way — and I always kept an eye on them and what they’re working on, what’s new in their world, etc. I’ve seen them twice before, once at Summer Camp 2005 and once at Park West in Chicago, and both times left me feeling very unimpressed.
That being said, those prior two visits with the band were with their original lineup including Charlie Hitchcock, the dude that got kicked out of the band. They’re a whole new band now. The real question to me — how do they sound now?
Can I get a collective sound-off on this? Head over to the Archive and tell me what you think of the music and drop some thoughts in the comments. If you’ve seen them recently, drop some thoughts on their latest live shows and what they’re like — better, worse, still Particle?
Full summer dates after the jump.
Particle Tour Dates
June-2-2006 Santa Rosa, CA Music Matter Fest
June-16-2006 Mammoth, CA Sherwins Folly
June-23-2006 San Diego, CA Belly Up
June-24-2006 SLO, CA Downtown Brew
June-29-2006 Telluride, CO Las Montanas
June-30-2006 Crested Butte, CO Quiotes Fest
July-1-2006 Bond, CO State Bridge, CO
July-3-2006 Sioux Falls, SD Rock City Pub
July-4-2006 Des Moines, IA Vaudeville Mews
July-5-2006 Milwaukee, WI Summerfest
July-6-2006 Lincoln, NE Knickerbockers
July-7-2006 Denver, CO Ogden
July-8-2006 Snowmass, CO Massive Movies & Music
July-9-2006 Bellvue, CO Mishawaka Amp
July 11-2006 Salt Lake City, UT The Depot
July-13-2006 Tahoe, CA Crystal Bay Casino
July-15-2006 SF, CA Fillmore
July-16-2006 Santa Barbara, CA Lightining In a Bottle
July-28-2006 Van Etten, NY Nu Groove Music Fest
Aug-2-2006 Cleveland, OH Grog Shop
Aug-3-2006 Detroit, MI Majestic Thr
Aug-4-2006 San Diego, CA Street Scene
Aug-5-2006 Chicago, IL Lollapalooza
Aug-5-2006 Chicago, IL House of Blues
Aug-30-2006 Arcata, CA Humboldt State Univ.
Aug-31-2006 Eugene, OR WOW Hall
Sept-1-2006 Bend, OR The Grove
Sept-2-2006 Portland, OR Alladin Thr.
Sept-3-2006 Ashland, OR Mobius
Sept-4-2006 Seattle, WA Bumbershoot
Sept-6-2006 Boulder, CO Fox Thr.
Sept-8-2006 Hancock, NY Fools Paradise Fest